Saturday, 3 March 2018

The Beast from the East and Storm Front Emma.

With supplies dwindling and no hope of rescue things seemed grim indeed. Thanks for our salvation is mainly due to Suzie's supply of Poire confiture. A jar was found in the darker recesses of the larder. This delicacy  spread liberally upon some home made scones brought us through.  Without this, with supplies running dangerously low we might not have made it.

Mike decided he would take advantage of the snow (in the garden) to go camping. So with Callum's help on the Wednesday afternoon, they were all off school, we set about making a shelter from some old bits of timber and polythene sheets. This 'camp' was guarded by Callum with a bow and arrow we had made. He assured me dinosaurs were prowling the area and even found footprints in the snow.

He seemed keen enough to camp out but Nanna, aka Jackie, forbade it. He was having a sleepover  with us and she was the responsible adult. I suggested we were the responsible adults but her reply was "How can that be us, when you are suggesting he sleeps out in something like -4' C" I sensed immediately I would get nowhere with the 'it'll be good for him argument' I tried the 'I've been promising to take him camping for ages' tack. "Yes" she said "at Piles Copse in the summer not in the middle of an Artic winter." I said no more.

However come my bedtime at 2200hrs, I picked up my sleeping bag and kissing she who must be obeyed goodnight made for the backdoor. "Where are you going?" Jackie asked
I'm going outside and I might be gone some time" was my reply.

Traipsing through the snow on a compass bearing for the bottom of the garden and the bivvy, I arrived not long after the lights downstairs had been switched off. Looking up at the rear bedroom window I could see a flicker of light from behind a curtain as it was parted. I flashed SOS on my head torch. Someone flicked me the bird!

Ah well. It wasn't really cold but it sure was stormy. The noise in the trees kept me awake more than the cold.