Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Day 50 Tuesday 18th July 2017              From: Mousterlin  To: Roscoff Ferry

Mile: 16791- 16880    Daily:  89               Meteo: Overcast but warm

Depart 1000hrs Our next stop happened to be Decathalon in Quimper. Jackie buys some new flip flops and a swimsuit. We pass a pleasant hour or more wandering the store. There is anything and everything here that you could wish for if you're an outdoors sporty person.

We arrived at Roscoff at 1400 hrs. and drove straight to the ferry terminal. Brittany Ferries have made provision for overnight 'camping car' parking. We pulled into one of the empty bays. We were subjected to a ' Deviation' via three villages  on the way here, all in the backend of nowhere. If that was not bad enough we were followed, right on our bumper by an artic, which like us, barely fitted on the road down country lanes We were point goodness knows how many were stacked up behind him.

A huge catamaran in Roscoff Marina.

We make  lunch then went walkabout over to a resto that came recommended in anticipation of this evenings meal. It was closed and certainly looked as though it would remain so. We sat at the marina and had a couple of 'Monaco s'. Surprisingly cheap given the location.
We returned to the van where we read our books. By now quite an enclave of Brits had gathered. The men, armed with chairs in one hand and a beer or bottle of wine in the other sat around telling their respective stories. One guy in particular seemed friendly enough but was he loud! A northerner! At about 2030hrs a lady appeared from one of the campers and asked them to keep the noise down. It wasn't that bad and any case, 2030hrs?.
Mike thought he would treat Jackie to one last exceptional meal in France. He boiled the kettle and made Pot noodles for dinner. Not your ordinary PN but gourmant PN's. I cubed some cheese and with a flourish lobbed it into the top of the pots.